Benefits Of Using An Electric Golf Cart

Benefits Of Using An Electric Golf Cart

Hilly Golf Courses – The Benefits of using an Electric Cart

There have been many discussions about the distance covered in round of golf. In fact, you'd be amazed to find out that from the time you get out of your car to the time you finish you round, depending on your skill level, you could be walking around 6 miles. Add to this the effort it takes to carry your bag or pull around your cart, by the end of the round you will likely be too tired to play your best shot. While walking a flat course is tiring, hilly courses are where your body is really tested. One essential item that can really benefit you and help you to play like the professionals on those hilly courses is a high-quality motorized golf cart like the Zip navigator available from MGI. Read on to discover the many benefits of using an electric golf cart on hilly and undulating courses.


It Reduces Fatigue and Conserves Energy

Golf is a demanding sport and requires a lot of energy. Even if your fitness levels are high, a full round of golf on a hilly course can leave you feeling exhausted. This is especially so if you are dragging a cart loaded with a bag full of clubs and accessories behind you all day. The mere act of swinging a club consumes a considerable amount of energy and employs the use of most of the muscles in the body. By using an electric golf cart, you can effortlessly maneuver it left, right, forward and in reverse enabling you to conserve your energy for your next shot. Keep your cart at a set distance out of the way whilst you play and summon it at your leisure, and let it glide your clubs up every hill for you.


It Allows You to Pack More

If you're playing a hilly course with a standard pull cart, then weight will be a natural constraint. How light can I make the bag? You may find yourself leaving out essential items like water, food, even some clubs just to keep the weight down so that you can get through the round. With an electric golf cart, this is not an issue. You can pack whatever you need so you will always have the required hydration, snacks, and wet weather gear to play your best game.


It Reduces the Chance of Injury

As mentioned previously, golf demands a lot of your body and the more you exert yourself the higher the risk of injury. With a motorised golf cart, you will significantly reduce the risk of sustaining muscular and skeletal injuries and avoid missing months of the game you love. This type of cart also opens the opportunity for some golfers with some physical limitations, whom without one, simply couldn't physically pull a cart around a hilly course, risk of injury or not.


It Allows You to Concentrate on Your Round

One of the surprising ways an electric golf cart can benefit you on a hilly golf course is from a psychological standpoint. By eliminating the worry of dragging your clubs up and down steep inclines and the thought of potential injury caused by this, you can solely focus on your game and relax knowing that the logistics of getting to each shot, and from one hole to the next, is well and truly taken care of.


The MGI Zip Navigator motorized golf cart with downhill speed control, allows golfers to park on any terrain and navigate any course with ease, even the most daunting hilly golf courses designed to test your physical and mental capability. Shop yours today at

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